sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

  Hey guys! Does anyone want go to debut of Catching Fire? I bought two tickets but my friend gave up, so now I have an extra ticket. Need answer ASAP, because someone want buy until Monday. Please anyone accept! Don't want go alone!

   Some pics of me and my friends.  As you can see we went to beach.  Had an amazing time.  In morning we swam, surfed and played volleyball.  At night went to a luau. Was fantastic! BTW Looking for the day of test?  Anyone?

    Anyone need a PC?  Bought one more modern for work and need sell the old. PC doesn't have problems.Is a black LG computer  with Windows 7. The PC isn't so old, bought it in 2010.  Please help me!  Need the money for buy new cell phone.

   Does anyone have a copy of Twilight?  The  book  talks about the love's story of Edward and  Bella. Need for school's work. Left my copy fall in lake!LOL Please anyone bring a copy until Monday .  Promise look after it and return in perfect condition.

sábado, 21 de setembro de 2013

The boy of my dreams

  I was talking to my friends about ghosts last week when I suddenly remembered something very creepy that happened to me a long time ago.
  I was doing  an exchange program in Rome and I was living a dream. But I wasn't happy, I used to have a strange dream every night: a boy was calling for me and I  couldn't reach him. Another strange thing was that every night I would  wake up crying and shouting.
  In those days I worked in a museum  and every day I would walk to work. The walk would take me through a cemetery and then across a busy main road. One day when I was crossing the road a car almost ran over me. I didn't die because a boy pulled me from the front of car, the boy who I used to dream every night.
  The boy took me to drink a coffee and he was very worried with me. I wasn't saying anything because I was very confused. How could this boy exist? I didn't know who that boy was, but at the same time I was feeling I knew him. Maybe this was the reason to I accepted the invite to go out with him.
  In the following weeks I  divided my time with my work, my course and Jack, this was his name. I was completely in love with him. He was perfect: handsome, intelligent, polite and mysterious. I was bewitched because I didn't  know anything from him and nevertheless I entrust in him. I just knew more about Jack when an ancient painting arrived at the museum where I used to work. In this painting was a noble family and Jack was at the painting.
  I asked  the director of the museum what was the painting's story. She told  me the painting was from a very rich family that used to live in Rome a long time ago. The eldest son called Jack fell in love by a poor girl called Elizabeth and his family was against this love. Then Jack's mother made a plan,she invited Elizabeth to talk and drink a cup of tea and put poison in the Elizabeth's cup. Jack was miserable with Elizabeth death and killed himself with a dagger.
  I was shocked after listened this story. The director asked me if I wanted see the Elizabeth's painting and I said yes. When I saw the painting I fainted because she was  identical to me. After I woke up I asked to director where Elizabeth and Jack's bodies were buried and she told me they were in the cemetery close to the museum.
  I ran to the cemetery and beside the graves was Jack. He told me his mother made malison: he and Elizabeth    never got together and this malison was finished when the ghost of Jack found Elizabeth's reincarnation and the souls of both joined. He said he was looking for me since his death and he was very happy to find me. I shout and told him leave me. I 'll never forget the expression on his face when I said these things. He was very disappointed with me and asked if I loved him. I said yes , but I didn't want to die because I was so young. He said to me go away and I ran very fast. While I was running , I listened he said "I  will always protect you" .
This is my creepy story. I never have seen Jack or have dreamed with him again, but sometimes I feel someone looks                                                                                       at me and I know that someone is the boy of my dreams.

sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

Relaxing actvities

Dear Jonh,
As requested,  I've looked into the options available for relaxing activities that employees can do together outside work to help them to get to know each other better and work better as a team.  I 've outlined what I consider to be advantages and disadvantages of each one below.
The first option is a weekend of yoga and meditation. The good thing of a weekend of yoga and meditation is people can relax and forget their problems. Other benefict of  a weekend of yoga and meditation I can see is people can get rid of the bad energy and become better people. The downside is people have to move away from society and many people can't stay two days without cell phone or internet.
The second option is a two day of diving course. The pros of a two days of diving course  are people can live an adventure, feel freedom and discover a new world in the background of the sea. The disadvantage is  the risk of death,diving is funny but is very dangerous too. Other disadvantage of two days of diving course is people don't have time to talk and know each other because they stay much time beneath of water.
The last option is a long weekend  in a foreign capital.The benefits of a long weekend in a foreign capital are people can know other culture can  meet new people and visit tourist spots. The drawback is the cost a travel costs much money and many people can't pay it.
My personal reference is a weekend of yoga and meditation because I think this option is the best to people relax and it is cheap. However, I 'll leave the final decision with you.


segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2012

What really happened

About the Canterville ghost story,I was wrong.The ghost didn't try to kill Washigton,in fact he tried to frighten the twins.In addition Virginia didn't help her brother,in fact she helped the ghost,because she was very nice and kind.The ghost didn't fall in love with Virginia,but he asked for help from Virginia.I was right about Otis,he saw the ghost and believed in them.In the end of story Mr. Otis's family didn't leave the house.In fact they burried the body of ghost and continued with their life.

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2012

The Canterville Ghost

I have started reading The Canterville ghost and I don't know what will happen.But I think the ghost may try kill Washigton,because Washigton cleaned the floor of library.In addition Vir ginia might help her brother,because she is very beautiful and the ghost may fall in love.Mr.Otis could believe in ghosts,because he may see impossibles things.In the end of story Mr.
Otis's family may leave the house and never go back.